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2020 Colorado RF Kit disrupts Daytime Running Lights

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I have a suuccessful installation. Everything works: remote start, lock/unlock, with the OEM key fob (x3 lock remote start) and the RF442 Kit. The only isssue is that when the RF442 is used to either unlock or remote start the vehicle, the DRL's do not function as OEM intended. The DRL's are the low beams with low poer output. With the OEM remote, everything act's normal, however, with the RF Kit, the low beams simply turn on to full brightness (not low power like it should). I have set the parking lights control in the firmware to both on and off, both with the same issue. In addition, the RF Kit does not 'flash' the vehicle lights to confirm lock or unlock and does not turn on parking lights to indicat the vehicle is running (under remote start conditions).
posté Aout 30, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par David Brehmer (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
We do not interface with the DRL's, we are connected to the parking lights.


Are you referring to the parking lights?


Also, wether starting with the oem remote or rf kit, there should be no difference since both simply send a "start" signal to the module. The rest is rinse and repeat.
répondu Aout 31, 2020 par derek g (357,980 points)
I figured the DRL's were not being touched. That's the odd part, why would the EVO have any effect on the headlights at all? But, they do.

For the parking lights, they also do not work correctly. They parking lights should turn on when the vehicle is remote started, but they do not (I have tried chaning the parking light option in the firmware, neither on or off work). Perhaps this vehicle in particular has some circuitry that connects to the parking lights via a relay or something. The wiring for the 2020 Colorado should be the same as the 2016 - 2019. Is there a chance that the GM7 T-Harness I used needs to be altered to a different pin for the parking lights?
whats the S/N to the module?
001A07 129095
Turn off option A14, this is not for the vehicles lights, this option is for parking light request through the data link.

Also, unless you have wired in the additional wires and sensors for an alarm, turn off option G as well, then re test the unit.


Parking lights are controlled through the brown/white or brown with silver dots on the 20 pin connector depending on the t-harness and goes to the white bcm connector. You can isolate them if you wanted to test the circuit to see how it is reacting.

I made the changes, and the behavior is the same. Here is the breakdown of the behavior from each FOB:


Lock: locks doors, parking lights flash once

Unlock: doors unlock, parking lights flash twice

Lock-Unlock-Lock: Vehicle starts, parking lights on


Lock: locks doors, parking lights DO NOT FLASH

Unlock: doors unlock, parking lights DO NOT FLASH

Lock-Unlock-Lock: Vehicle starts, parking lights on


Under ALL conditions (remote start or entry from either FOB, or manual unlock/manual start), the low beams are on at all times, 100% brightness, even duing the day. With fortin removed (unplug the GM7 harness), when vehile is on during the day, the low beams are on low power for DRL's. 

I should also point out that I disabled the 'Unlock, start, relock' feature that I assume is there to disable the factory alarm to start, then rearm it afer.

I did not isolate the parking light wire because all information I have, from both the GM manual, wire color, and, the parking ware is in the white BCM connector, pin22. However, you are recommending I isolate the wire from the blue BCM? Should I simply depin the parking light wire from the GM7 20pin plug to test? 

Thank you very much for your help with this.

Sorry, yes the white connector as shown in the hardwired guide.

If you depin it from the 20 pin you will eliminate parking lights all together.
Depinned the parking light wire. That fixed the low beam DRL's function, but now (becasue there's no wire), the parking lights do not turn on to indicate the vehicle is running when remote started (from either FOB). Also, I still do not get parking light flashes when locking or unlocking form RFKIT.  Can I use A14 for this?

I assume the truck has some circuitry between the parking lights, DRL's (low beam low output), and the auto-lights-on photosensitive curcuit.
A14 won't do anything in your case.


So with the parking light wire removed the truck is back to function as it should? (minus the lights flashing for l/ul and turning on for rs)
That's correct. So,this tell's me there's something odd about the way the truck handles the parking lights circuit. The RFKT, no matter what I have done, blinks the lights on l/ul. Perhaps it's the truck wiring? It seems that the entire DRL (low beams), parking lights, and auto on lights are all interconnected in an abnormal way.

Edit: I'd prefer to be able to use the RFKIT because of the range, but I might just resort back to the OEM FOB just to get visual light notifications.
If you rf kit is a 2 way model you can always use that as confirmation also.