Questions & Answers

2012 Ford Fusion won't remote Start

0 votes
I have completed the EVO programming with the dcryptor and it says it successfully programs.  When I plug the EVO back into the vehicle and prss the lock button x3 it will not start the vehicle.  I can see on the EVO the lights flash when I hit the lock buttons, but that is all it does.  I have the options set in the module for 3x lock to start it.  Any thoughts on how to get this to remote start my 2012 Fusion.
posté Dec 11, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par davidtown23 (190 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
What is the service number on the module ?
répondu Dec 11, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
001A06 794863
What color are the lights when you are pressing the lock button?
0 votes
Did you use the T-Harness? I did the same installation with my wife’s 2012 Ford Fusion with the Evo-all and T-harness and had no issue. Kept the factory settings once I flashed the unit. I only changed the time to 15 minutes that it ran.
répondu Jan 19, 2019 par Gary Fowler (480 points)