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Vague arrows leading to nowhere in PDF document; conflicting pinout information

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I see on the PDF document (stand alone evo-all) for my 2013 nissan murano PTS there are arrows leading to nowhere. I am reffering specfically to:
-lock/unlock INPUTS going to an 'external control' on EVO-ALL connector pins A2 and A3
-external input (start/stop external control) on A13;
-parking lot out* on A14;
-"at driver door pin" (no reference to pos or negative) on A15.

are these connections not found on all vehicles hence their lack of reference to a physical location? Are they not required for operation? What's more conflicting is the pinout at the beggining of the PDF document shows A13 being trunk release, A14 being hand brake, and A15 being hood status, which is very different from what the connection diagram shows.
posté Dec 6, 2013 dans la catégorie Nissan par Anthony Laurentino (240 points)

1 Réponse

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  • Lock and Unlock Inputs (A2 and A3) are only used when you want to control the door locks from an external unit. These connections are not required if all you are installing is the EVO-ALL.
  • External Input (A13) is also not required if all you are installing is an EVO-ALL.
  • (-) Parking Light Output (A14) is to control the parkingl lights so that when you remote start the car, the lights turn on. Note that, most newer vehicles this connection may not be required as the lights would turn on anyway.
  • "At driver door pin" is exactly what it is.... connect to driver door pin to shut down the autolights once the remote starter ended its 15 minute runtime or if you manually shut down the car.

What's more conflicting is the pinout at the beggining of the PDF document shows A13 being trunk release, A14 being hand brake, and A15 being hood status, which is very different from what the connection diagram shows.

The pinouts change once someone turns on the Stand Alone option in the EVO. The pinouts you see in the beginning of the guide are what they are before someone plays with the EVOs options. 

répondu Dec 6, 2013 par Robert T (299,950 points)