Questions & Answers

Why does the PDF schematic differ from the wirecolor instructions?

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I've been reviewing the schematic in the PDF for the EVO-ALL I purchased, and also the wirecolor installation. The PDF schematic for the evo-all under my vehicles make and model leaves out such connections as "cut security LED"; "Starter pos and neg"; "parking light pos" "emergency break"; "neutral safety switch"; etc. Why are these connections shown on the wirecolor installation website but not on the evo-all pdf? Are some of these wire connections not neccesary?
posté Dec 5, 2013 dans la catégorie Nissan par Anthony Laurentino (240 points)

1 Réponse

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For installation with the EVO-ALL you need to use the pdf document for the vehicle. Our new guides will include all required wiring for remote starting the vehicle when using an EVO-ALL. The only time wirecolor would be needed is when a specific connection says, "see"

Wirecolor is mostly used as general wiring information. Technicians across the world use it for various products, not only Fortin products.
répondu Dec 5, 2013 par Robert T (304,010 points)