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I have gone through the help section it will start with key in barrel.

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i have worked my way through the troubleshooting section i can get the car to start with the key in the barrel.  but will not start without the key in the barrel.
posté Dec 29, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par William Fargo (250 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Did you do the actual transponder programming procedure? There is 2 steps to the programming, the first part where it says to release on blue programs only the Can-Bus. The second part of programming says to release on Red, here it's doing actual transponder programming.
répondu Dec 29, 2014 par Robert T (299,950 points)
should i use the program on instruction sheet 3318?
I don't know why but the escape should be in guide 10911, Follow programming #2 if you have 2 keys available.
Just tried to reprogram with blue and red on i put in the first key all 3 lights on removed key only red and blue on put in second key only red and blue and they stay on when key is removed.
Can you verify instruction sheet 10911 as will have to start over as the wiring is a bit different?


If you are using a the Fort T-harness, that's what should be followed.
That worked the only issue is that you have to remove the key for the vehicle to turn off simply turning off doesn't work.
Really sorry, follow programming #1 since your car has 40 bit keys. My bad.
I have it working but the only issue now is that i have to remove the key to shut the engine off.  Also is there a connect for parking lights.
Will there be any updates for the EVO All to address the having to revoe the key for the engine to shut off?  Also i need connect the parking lights but not sure which guide to use as the 10911 doesn't list the 2012 Escape.
I don't understand your question with the engine shut off ? Can you remote start the vehicle now ?


Parking light is positive, wire is purple/white. Remove the trim covering the harness going to the back of the vehicle ( driver running board). you'll find the parking wire wire in the portion of the harness closer to the back of the vehicle, right after the harness from under the seat joins. Test wire carefully there is more than one parking light wire in this harness.
The vehicle does remote start but has to be turned off by pushing the lock button three times or let it run for 15 minutes.  When you start the vehicle with the key you have to phyically remove the key to stop the engine.

Sorry for the confusion

What lights are on on the EVO when starting with the key?
The yellow light is on.
The yellow light remains on so i apparently have a wire in the wrong place.
Yellow LED is normal. I was just making sure the red was not turning on when starting with the key. When remote starting, you will get a red and yellow. After putting the key in the barrel to ON, and then pressing the brake (pressing the brake shuts down the starter), you should be getting a yellow LED. If removing the key now, the engine will shut off. Is this the steps you are following?
Does the T-Harness make the brake connection because i did not make one.  I will check the lights tonight as this is my daughters car and she will be over tonight.  The engine will only shut off if you remove the key bron the barrel.  If remote started you have to put the key in the barrel turn on and then remove it.
brake is detected through the CAN-BUS connections.

Go through all your connections, specifically make sure the yellow/black of the 20-pin connector on the EVO-ALL is not connected anywhere.

When remote starting, the RED and Yellow LED on the EVO will turn ON. When you then put the key in and to ON, then push on the brake, the RED LED should shut off leaving you with only the Yellow.
When remote starting both red and yellow are on when i put the key in and turn and step on the brake everything turns off except the engine the red led also turns off.  to stop the engine i must turn off and remove the key from the barrel.

Also on the parking lights which wire on the EVO All is used for the lights?  The purple and white says it is for the (-) disarm.
When you are ready and in the vehicle, and near a computer, call tech support.

Sounds like you may be looking at the wrong guide if you do not see which wire of the EVO-ALL is used for parking lights. You are also trying to do an installation with Tharness in a vehicle that we do not list the Tharness as compatible (mentionned before).
I started with guide # 3318 and was then instructed to use guide # 10911 as we had the T-Harness.

I can have the vehicle here on Saturday would there be anyone available?

9am-5pm EST.

Guide for 3xLock is technically (but 3x lock is not available for the 2013 model) : EVO-ALL & THAR-FORD1 (T-Harness) & Ford Escape (2013) - with RF-KIT - Revision 20140214

Our vehicle is a 2012 and the 3 button worked after i updated the module,
I was only mentionning 2013 has no 3x start since the guide says to use an RF-Kit.
Is a Bulldog RS 82 remote start compatable with the EVO All?  Or do you recommend a different brand?
I still have the same issues with the EVO All with T-Harness for a 2012 Ford Escape no parking lights when running and you have remove the key from the ignition for the engine to shut off.  Is there any issues with just leaving it like it is?  From all of the conversation it appears that i need to install a seperate remote starter so i need to know which brand is best i can get a Bulldog locally and also which guide should i use?


Bill Fargo
parking light output on the EVO is (-), the vehicle parking lights trigger is (+). You need to wire up a relay to change the polarity from  (-) output to a (+).

The having to remove the key from the barrel so that the car shuts off, sounds like a short between key-sense and ignition somewhere. That yellow wire coming out of the T-harness should not be connected anywhere.

Why would you need a remote starter if you said 3x lock start works? Unless you want more range. The EVO is actually the unit starting the vehicle in this setup.
Thanks for the quick response.  Do you have a wiring diagram for the relay?  I will look for a short but have already double checked the yellow wire and it is not connected anywhere.

I was on the line with tech support awhile back and they told we that the EVO All and T-harness should not work and suggested i get a remote starter.  Even though i told him that it was working but i had the two issues.

True, an installation with Tharness on the 2012 is not listed as supported but it's working on your vehicle. The car only shutting when pulling the key out is directly related to the ignition staying powered while the key is still in the barrel. You need too isolate where the problem is coming from.


  • Does it also only shut off by taking the key out, if you are start it with the key, or does this happen only after remote start?
  • Are all accessories powered (radio, fan, heater etc... ) in the vehicle while it's running yet the key is off?
  • What lights on the EVO are turning off-on while the car is started and when you turn the key to off?
  • If you just insert the key, does ignition turn on?


Also, you can try this a few times.. Get the vehicle the point it does not shut off with the key and that you need pull the key out (but dont actually pull the key out)

  • disconnect the 20-pin connector of EVO and see if the car shut down
  • disconnect 6-pin red connector of the EVO and see if the car shut down
  • disconnect 5-pin white connector of the EVO and see if the car shut down
  • disconnect the 4-pin black connector of the EVO and see if the car shut down


As for the parking lights. The relay connections are all in the installation guide. EVO-ALL & THAR-FORD1 (T-Harness) & Ford Escape (2013) - with RF-KIT - Revision 20150121

On this vehicle yellow wire from the t-harness should be connected to the yellow wire of your evoall, the yellow/black wire is not used at all.
It doesn't matter if you start with remote starter or key the only the way to shut the engine down is by removing the key.

It does shut down all accessories just not the engine.

If you just insert the key it does not turn anything on.

I will have to get the car from my daughter to check the rest.

Sounds like the yellow and the yellow/black wires of the T-harness are connected togther honestly. The yellow is connected directly to ignition in the tharness while the yellow/black is connected to key-sense.
Thanks that has fixed the having to remove the key for the engine to shutoff the only remaining issue is the parking lights.  I have a tester that will test both positive and negative should the brown and white wire have current coming out?  I am not getting any lights on my tester it should be green if i test a negative wire.