Questions & Answers

Stuck on step 10 in section 2/3. How long does it take to start blinking.

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I bought a Evonne for my wife’s 2013 Dodge Journey. I’m Stuck on step 10 in section 2/3. How long does it take to start blinking.  The blue LED is supposed to blinking rapidly. I’m not a professional installer but I do have some general knowledge in automotive electronics. Radios and general upkeep and such. Please I need help.
posté Jan 11, 2018 dans la catégorie Dodge par Jay Fisher (130 points)
modifié Jan 12, 2018 par Jay Fisher

1 Réponse

0 votes
The blue led will not flash if the can wires are not connected properly. Verify the connection of the grey and grey/black wires.
répondu Jan 12, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Ty sir. I’ll try that and get back with ya.