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2014 RAV4 Cranks, but won’t start.

0 votes
2014 RAV4. Using t harness, triple checked all connections. Programs successfully with a fast blue led blink, when switch to the run position. Updated to latest firmaware 79.49 with flash tool. Black key with H stamp. About 1 out 4 attempts, it will start perfectly in the 2nd try. If I insert the key, it works every time.
asked Oct 13, 2018 in Toyota by Joe Callaco (380 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The options in your module have gone crazy. Perform a master reset and reprogram the evoall to the vehicle.

Hold button, insert power, release when red. Press and hold prog button until all three light alternate. Start over the programming.
answered Oct 13, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Option 10 needs to be set to #2
That should be default, I will double check tonight. Also, I do not have the (-) OEM disarm hooked up as seen on page 26. There is no orange/black coming out of the plug (crimesptopper 12-pin). Do I need to get that wired in?

Option 10 is set to #2, still not working correctly. When I switch between 1 and 2 it will start and run on the first try. I hit the brake, wait a minute, then back to the same, 3 failed attempts. This is with either 1 or 2 selected for option 10. Also, when it does work, the doors are not unlock, and the OEM fob will not unlock.

Please Help!?!?
After much trial and error, it now starts with the OEM fob every time. It will not unlock after starting and no parking lights. With the MyCar app, I get the battery and signal light, a GPS location, but only starts about half the time, and no runtime or conformation that it is running. The locks will work when remotely running from the app. It was difficult to find a pattern while switching options either with the Fortin flashing software or on the crimstopper side, got lucky and found something that barely works.

Any suggestions on how to solve my remaining problems would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!