Questions & Answers

2015 Dodge Dart Manual Transmission EVO ONE No Remote Start Following Installation

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2015 Dodge Dart, Manual Transmission. EVO One SN 002B04248404 with both factory key fob (tip style) and  Crimestopper Revo 4.1 Extended Range fobs. Installed using CHAR7 T harness.

Installed per guidelines. Seemed straight forward. Programmed Module using default suggestions. Decryptor appeared to work without error. 

Was able to start vehicle using factory key fob. Performed manual ready procedure…. Brake pedal, E brake, removed ignition key. Vehicle continued to run. Exited the vehicle and closed the door. At this point was unable to get the vehicle to stop running. Vehicle’s dash did indicate when the door was open and subsequently closed. Confirmed all  other doors and trunk were closed throughout the installation and testing. Hood groundout was wired but the hood remained closed and we confirmed the hood pin adjustment wasn’t grounding the module out.  

In one attempt, we started the vehicle, performed the manual ready mode procedure, exited the vehicle, waited 20 seconds, and then using the Revo fob lock functionality was able to shut off the vehicle but still, click 3 unlocks or the factory keyfob or “start” on the Revo fob did not result in the car starting. 

(8 hours later……)

After multiple attempts and rechecking the wire harness for correctness, reviewing the question and answers info on Fortin, and praying to the “Remote Gods”, we gave up. 

Any advice? Also… help me understand how many times I can reset the module and run the decryptor application. In an attempt to get this working, I think I performed the operation 4x’s. 

I seem to remember you can brick the module if you run the crypto too many times. Then I read something about as much as you want within a 5 year of module manufacturing date. Please clarify this. I certainly don’t want to “brick” the module.



asked 4 days ago in Dodge by rob reeves (260 points)

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