Questions & Answers

Help on using EVO-All in standalone mode with DSM50BT

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Looking for help on using EVO-All in standalone mode with DSM50BT (The Bluetooth SmartStart module)

We've had sucess with DSM200/250 (the GSM based units) but has anyone used the Bluetooth version of SmartStarrt, the DSM50BT?

Are the settings required on the EVO-ALL the same as for the DSM200/250?

Should "Supported RF Kits" still be set to H4?
posté Mar 9, 2015 dans la catégorie FAQ par Brian Langley (180 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
From the information I could get online about the DSM50BT, It looks like you would need the XL202 and the 8210 RF adapter kit and then you would just follow the connection guide for the Evo-ALL/XL202 (guide number 20161)


The main difference I could see between the Bluetooth module and the regular GSM based unit is that the Bluetooth module does not have a 4 pin D2D output.


I will check with the engineers when they come in and confirm if it is compatible.
répondu Mar 10, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)
I checked for you and it would seem that you can hardwire the evo-all to the dsm50bt using the analog wires, (lock, unlock, start.) on the H1 harness.
Hi Im trying to do the same thing. Which wire on EVO ONE is lock, unlock, start and trunk?
Im looking for the RF module input wires, not EVO ONE output.
Their is no lock/unlock/trunk inputs on a EVO-ONE. Their is a negative trigger wire however. using the valet switch and a RF remote enable Option 38.3 this enables the center pin on the 3 pin shock sensor port to become a external start/stop input.