Questions & Answers

in standalone mode keyless entry is inop. then what do you do?

0 votes
i did a 13 ram standalone and the user needs to use the key to unlock the door and take over shuts down when you hit the brake even with the key turned on..
asociée à une réponse pour: cannot take over from remote start 2014 ram
posté Nov 10, 2014 dans la catégorie Dodge par JUSTIN DARY (230 points)

1 Réponse

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As stated in the installation guide for the 2013 Ram. The remote used to program the module will not work while the vehicle is remote started. Basically, program with one remote and use the other for your everyday driving.. Takeover will also start working correctly since now the EVO would be able to detect an unlock command. The car is shutting down at the moment since the EVO thinks it's being stolen.
répondu Nov 10, 2014 par Robert T (305,380 points)