Questions & Answers

Will i have to do any function and mode programming with the rf442 to match my settings on the evo one ?

0 votes
Will I have to go into functions and modes in the 442 rf kit to match the evo one so it works, or is it good to go out of the box, this is for a 2017 Tacoma with the H key....NOT using OEM remote as I only have the key with no RKE buttons... ...I know I can program the 442 remotes to pair with the evo one, just wondered if I had to set the functions and modes to match the module....
asked Jan 22, 2020 in Toyota by Norman Fennych (460 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

All you need to do is follow this programming (page 2) in the vehicle:


One thing to note: step 5 says to press the [-] button but in your case its the [+] button.

answered Jan 22, 2020 by derek g (359,100 points)
selected Jan 23, 2020 by derek g
Worked like a charm man ! Thanks for the info