Questions & Answers

EVO One Programming - redundant settings in Bypass and Remote-start options?

0 votes
When programming the evo one there are a couple of features that are configurable through both the bypass options and again in the remote-start options. Example is the 'D" confiurations (lock/unlock around start) in the bypass options and function 6 in the remote start options. My vehicle specific Fortin instructions say to set option D5 in the bypass options (lock after start), but don't mention anything about the function 6 config in the remote start. Do I need to change function 6 to mode 3 (lock after start) so it matches? What happens when they conflict?

Similarly with the "C" options in bypass and function 38 in remote start.

For these options that appear in both configs - the vehicle specific instructions mention the bypass options and no mention of the remote start options. Do you leave the remote start options at default even though they conflict with the bypass options?
asked May 12, 2018 in Toyota by Michael Murday (220 points)
edited May 12, 2018 by Michael Murday

2 Answers

0 votes

"y vehicle specific Fortin instructions say to set option D5 in the bypass options (lock after start), but don't mention anything about the function 6 config in the remote start. Do I need to change function 6 to mode 3 (lock after start) so it matches? "

No only enable the options outlined in your vehicel specific installation guide, you do not need to turn on/off any other options. 

option C1 and 38.2 are used to enable the 3x lock option (if supported on your vehicle).

answered May 14, 2018 by derek g (357,930 points)
0 votes
Always follow the suggested options/functions stated in the guide, enabling them in both side is exactly what you said, redundant, and can cause issues.

Where the options are enabled is entirely dependent on how we control that particular feature, whether it's controlled by the remote starter side or bypass side.


Thank you,
answered May 14, 2018 by J M (64,120 points)