Questions & Answers

Which bypass module will work with aftermarket push-to-start/proximity entry on 2012 F150.

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I have a 2012 F150 FX4 5.0L truck. I currently have the EVO-FORT1 with 3X Lock Remote start and it works great, but due to the limited range of the factory fobs, I can barely use it efficiently (Within 15-20ft) usually. I also frequently forget to put the key in and kill it after remote starting, DOH!! I really like the push to start buttons and was looking for a solution for my truck. I found the EasyGO AM-F150-UH kit which will give remote start, alarm, and proximity with push to start. I would remove the EVO-FORT1 and sell it to a friend with a 2015 Escape to help finance my new toy. My only problem is the EasyGO connects to the CANBUS for tying into the necessary accessories and uses a PASS 4 key-in-the-box bypass module which I really do not like. It appears from the wiring diagram that its just a positive and negative going from the EasyGO to the PASS 4. I assume the EasyGO energizes the PASS 4 when remote starting or when the start button is pressed which then uses the signal wire to the ignition to make it think a key is present.

Is there a fortin module that works similar to my EVO that can accept the input from the EasyGO and bypass without leaving a key in the car?

Or is there a good recommended solution that will talk to my EVO as it sits to provide push button start and better distance for the remote start?
asked Nov 17, 2017 in Ford by Clint Griffith (320 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Your EVOALL can be use for this purpose but not in standalone configuration. Remove standalone and use the blue wire - to activate the bypass.
answered Nov 17, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
selected Nov 28, 2017 by Clint Griffith
I ordered an EasyGo Universal system on Ebay, but was misled by the pictures as being the new universal with remote start, but this model is only entry and push button start. If I reprogram my EVO out of standalone, does the 3x Lock still remote start?