Questions & Answers

Must tip key to "start" before being able to hit brake.

0 votes
After remote starting and getting in the vehicle I have to turn the key all the way to the right before hitting the brake and driving. If I just turn the key to "acc" or "run" it turns off after hitting the brake. 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk.
asked Oct 12, 2016 in Jeep by Jeremiah Hersman (180 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
What is the service number to the module?

Was a T-Harness used in the installation?

Is it stand alone or with a remote starter?

Are you saying you physically crank the vehicle in order for take over to function?
answered Oct 13, 2016 by derek g (358,130 points)
selected Oct 15, 2016 by Robert T
I actually figured it out. I guess I wasn't giving the vehicle enough time to realize the key was in the ignition and turned to run. Thanks though!
glad to hear all is working as it should!!