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2015 Subaru Forester key start, evo-one will remote start with oem key fob, but will not stop with oem key fob.

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Just installed evo one in 2015 Subaru Forester, key start, automatic trans with fortin T-harness.  With the oem key fob I can remote start, no problem.  However when I push the lock button 3 times to shut off car--it does not stop it!  Any advice would be most appreciated.
asked Feb 3, 2016 in Subaru by Bruce Sorrows (220 points)

1 Answer

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Does the blue led flash each time you are hitting lock once remote started?
answered Feb 3, 2016 by derek g (357,580 points)
Derek, thanks for the help.  The blue light does blink when starting car, however after it is started it seems that only the red and yellow is solid and the blue light does not flash when hitting the lock button.  Also it does not always blink at each push of the lock button when trying to start either!!!  I did notice the lateest version of firmware is suppose to improve Sabru one key fobs, should I try that?  Thanks a bunch!!!
Yes i would try and update the module with the latest firmware and re program the module.
Is it necessary to reset the evo-one before I do this?

you can but not neccessary. If you want to here is the procedure:

I've udated everything, bypass, remote start modlues.  Blue light flashes with key fob and will try to start, but dies right away.  Parking lights flash 4 times meaning no tach signal.  What am I missing?
Redo the entire programming of the bypass, including the dcryptor process.
After several hours of firmware update to bypass and remote start and decyptor processes:  Sometimes it would start and run, sometimes would start and die right away.  Blue light on module would work sometimes, sometimes not.  Call tech support and low and behold some subaru's are having trouble with oem remotes, and I am one of those, yeeeh hawww!  After flashing to the latest firmware, bypass hard reset, redo dcryptor process here is my results:

Remote start works like a champ, however I cannot turn it off with the factory key fob.  When vechicle is running I can only unlock and relock doors.  I can't even open my rear hatch with remote.  After I insert key and tap brake and release remote starter all ok.  I cannot use idle function either.  Alarm function seems to work as it should.

I'm a little disappionted in the fact that tech support informed my I could by a "inexpensive" 2-way remote:  fortin FTX642W and everything would work.  Looked around on internet, the cost of  this "inexpensive 2W remote is around $100.00, not inexpensive in my book.  However on fortin's website my vehicle is supposed to be factory remote capable.  Any one with a subaru needs to be careful and count the cost of this project!

Thanks Derek and Mathieu for you wonderful help and advice.
Just want to piggyback off his post and say that I have the same problem in my 2014 Forester. After resolving my miscolored wire issue everything works as expected, but I can't turn the car off with three lock presses.
Could you please tell us how the small yellow wire from the 20 pin connector is hooked up?
The small yellow wire from the 20pin connector and the small yellow wire from the subaru T-harness are connected together on the pink wire on the t-harness!

The Yellow wire from the t-harness is a STARTER wire used for the clutch bypass as shown on page 4 of guide number 57211 for manual transmission installation. Do not connect this wire to anything on your vehicle.


The yellow wire from the 20 pin connector HAS to be connected ONLY to the Pink wire in the t-harness, this is the ignition feed for the bypass side of the evo-1.
Guide # 57211 on page 3, shows what seems to be a descrepency.  It seems to show that both yellow wires are to be connected to the pink wire in the t-harness.  Can you look at that and see if I am in the wrong.  I will make changes and get back with you!  Thanks for your help.

on page 3, it shows the yellow wire (A1) from the 20 pin connector to the pink wire of the t-harness Pink wire.


on page 4 you can see the yellow wire from t-harness going to the +Clutch wire.


Please correct the connections and test again.


Thank you
Thanks again for you and your company's observations, which I might add are very good!  I will remake connections tomorrow and post the results.  Once again thanks, but I do think the diagram on page 3 needs some work or at least make sure to mention on that page, this wire is for clutch pypass only!!


Just for your information when installing alarm since I had an automatic transmission, I did not even print page 4 which does show exactly what the yellow wire off the t-harness goes to. But there is a dubious wire or a connection shown on page 3.

Just wanted to update for all those interested.  I corrected the yellow wire connection that was suspect in the Subaru T-harness, but it did not correct issues which are:

1)  Forester will remote start with key fob but nothing else works after that, except I           can lock and unlock doors.

2)  After remote starting with key fob:  a) power lift gate will not open  b) cannot stop         vechicle with key fob  If I don't remote start car, power lift gate works as                   expected.

3)  Once key is inserted, and bake pedal tapped, therefore exiting remote start mode,        I cannot use key fob to re-enter remote start mode (idle mode) to exit vehicle with        remote start engaged.

I am currently working with Jesus Monroy on these issues.  I have sent a couple of videos showing what is happening and I have been told the engineers are working on a firmware release to help correct some of these issues.  Will keep you updated as to the outcome of these issues.

I would like to hear from anyone who has successfully installed evo-one on a 2014-2016 Subaru Forester, key start and do not have any issues with all functions of the evo-one using remote key fob.

Point 1, 3 and half of 2B are related since the unit does not seem to detect the oem remotes while the ignition is on. This can be confirmed by simply looking at the blue led on the evo-one. It should be flashing once on every lock press. OEM remote detection is not an issue on Canadian vehicles but may be on US vehicles.


Point 2-A) Nothing can be done about this. The OEM remote will not allow the trunk to open while ignition is on. This is the same when starting the vehicle with the key (normal start). If using the OEM remote to remote start the vehicle (3x lock start), the trunk will not open while the vehicle is remote started.


Point 2-B) Vehicle is not stopping for the same reasons as points 1 and 3. The liftgate will not open via the oem remote while ignition is on. This is by factory and how the vehicle is made. Opening the liftgate while ignition is on would be possible via an aftermarket remote and actual wired connections.


Thanks Robert T. for the clairfications.

I did not understand that the power lift gate would not open while running under the remote start.  It is not all that important as I can unlock the vehicle doors and manually open the power lift gate after starting vehicle with remote start.  

Also, for some reason no matter what firmware I have used on the bypass and remote start modules, including a beta one, recommeded by Jesus Monroy, the evo-one does not respond to OEM key fob presses with a blinking blue led light after being remote stated. This you are explaining is a possible problem because I have a US vehicle, but the Canadian vehicles are not having these issues.   

But if I understand this right, with the evo-one I should expect the OEM key fob to do the following with my 2015 Subaru Forester, key start:

1)  Remote start and stop vehicle by pushing lock button 3x.

2)  Enter idle mode with OEM key in ignition and pushing lock button 3x.

This is what I would like to see happen.  If for some reason, as you explained, this does not work on US vehicles,  will the fortin  FTX642W RF kit work with the evo-one on US vehicles?

Thanks for your time and help,

Once the unit can detect the factory remotes while the vehicle is started (by remote start or normal start), you will be able to remotely start/stop and enable idle mode.

This is what I would like to see happen.  If for some reason, as you explained, this does not work on US vehicles,  will the fortin  FTX642W RF kit work with the evo-one on US vehicles?

When it comes to any aftermarket remotes, there are no limitations.

The FTX642W is a great addon to this setup. That's 3000ft range at which you would be able to remote start/stop the vehicle. Through aftermarket remotes, you would also be able to lock-unlock and even pop the trunk at any time you need. This is the best remote that can be purchased and added to the system.


If you are anything like me and like to read user manuals before purchasing anything, take a look at the user guide for the FTX64-2W:


I typically sell/install all my systems with aftermarket remotes, and when available, I offer the convenience of adding 3x lock start to it. There's really no reason why not to use aftermarket remotes.


To update all who may be following:

I ordered the FTX642W and install was very easy.  

However, I have a different issue now.  The fortin remote works perfectly with one exception--after remote start with fortin remote, I cannot lock or unlock doors with the fortin remote.  I have to use the oem key fob.  After I stop remote start, the fortin remote will lock and unlock doors.  

I have rechecked all connections to the evo-one per fortin support but I am at a loss as to why this could be happening.  I am wondering if perhaps I might have received a bad evo-one unit?  

Any suggestion will be much appreciated.  Thanks for all you help thus far!
Update for all who may be following:

After a month of more of using the fortin remote, thanks to Derek and Jesus for the support, which I had to hook up a couple of more wires from the evo 20 pin connector ( the purple and purple/white to the vehicle 28 pin connector near the OBD2 connector).

I am still having some issues:

1)  If I remote start the vehicle with the fortin remote, I can unlock the doors with the fortin remote, but it will set off the factory car alarm.  I can only turn the alarm off with the the factory fob.

2)  If I use the fortin remote to enter Idle mode, exit the vehicle, and use the fortin remote to lock vehicle, the factory alarm will not turn on.  If I use the factory fob to lock vehicle, factory alarm will arm and can only be disarmed with the factory fob and not the fortin remote.

So it seems that when the evo-one in is the remote start mode the fortin remote has no control over the factory alarm.

If anybody has any suggestions as to what I can do to fix this, please respond.


Taking a stab at this.


Issue 1: can be solved by enabling the option in the programming settings used for that purpose. Option D2 in the bypass settings will disarm/unlock before remote start. Normally, it would also relock the doors once the car is started, but since door locks only work with the analog lock-unlock wiring, you'll need to also enable 6.3 in the remote start options.


Issue 2:  This is caused because the unit is not controlling lock/arm and unlock/disarm through the Door Lock Data wire while ignition is on and that this setup is relying on the analog lock-unlock wires which do not control arm-disarm. If you want some security after enabling idle mode, there's a few things you can do. Here are 2 viable solutions exist for that.

  • Enable the Alarm feature (14.2) and connect the horn output to the vehicles horn trigger. The unit would arm itself when you then lock the doors and if someone breaks into the car (triggering the alarm), the vehicle will shut down. This is actually 100% better than just relying on the oem alarm since the vehicle would actually shut down along with honking the horn.


Combine this alarm feature (14.2) with 38.2 (or 38.4) and also C1, and the evo-one alarm could then also be controlled from the factory remotes (although from my understanding, oem remote monitoring on this car is only working half the time??)

(dont change any othe of the settings in the unit)

  • Enable option 37.2. This would simply shut down the vehicle if the door is opened without being unlocked first.  This is also a very simple and viable solution. (dont change any other of the settings in the unit)

Thanks for your suggestions Robert T.

  • Enable the Alarm feature (14.2) and connect the horn output to the vehicles horn trigger. The unit would arm itself when you then lock the doors and if someone breaks into the car (triggering the alarm), the vehicle will shut down. This is actually 100% better than just relying on the oem alarm since the vehicle would actually shut down along with honking the horn.


I like this idea but I do understand exactly what to connect the horn output to?

What is the vehicle horn trigger in my case?

And will there by any conflicts by using the evo one alarm and oem alarm at same time?


Thanks again for the help!

Also per Jesus instructions I did enable option 6.2, for issue number 1.

It does work, but the reason why is that it simply disables the oem alarm.  This unacceptable to me, unless I'm missing something, which I probably am!

The horn wire can be found easily in 2 spots, either at the steering column connector  Pin 9 in a white 14 pin connector OR at the BCM  Blue wire, at the top 34 pin white connector Pin 24. Photos for both are available at


Thank you,
Thanks Jesus,

If thats the case I have already hooked up the horn as this is part of the 2015 key start Subaru Forest install instructions.

I will enable the evo alarm and test and let everyone know!



Thanks to everyone who has helped me with this issue, I really do appreciate all the great advice.

After playing around with the options that Robert T. and Jesus suggested this is what I have now that will work for me, but things do not work perfectly:

Concerning issue 1):  

Simple solution was to disable factory alarm.  On my 2015 Subaru Forester key start , the factory alarm can be turned on and off by simply sitting in vehicle, turn ignition to on, press driver door unlock button and hold it.  Within one second, open door and keeping holding button about 10-15 seconds.  Horn will beep and dash will inform you either the factory alarm has been turned on or off (AL is on or off).

I then turned off function 6.2 (unlock b/4 remote start & lock after remote start).  By turning off factory alarm, simply not needed.  I am using the default option here:  No.

Concerning issue 2):

Following Robert's suggestion I turn on the alarm feature 14.2.  This is as Robert said much better and factory alarm as it will sound the horn and vehicle will shut down when alarm goes off if vehicle is remote started or in idle mode as long as evo one alarm is armed.

I combined this option with 38.2 and 38.4 which allows me to remote start the vehicle with the factory fob lock button by pushing it 3 times.  And the factory fob will also arm and disarm the evo one alarm with the lock and unlock buttons. How I did this I don't know.  Function 38.2 was already enabled along with C1 on the bypass side.  I simply used the programming feature as outlined in the evo one manual and the fortin remote to enable all these features.  By doing so I did not have to remove evo one unit and use the flash update tool.  Being lazy here.

I did not use the function 37.2 as the alarm already kills the vehicle if any alarm is triggered.

Now after extensive testing:

1)  Before remote start:  Oem key fob will before remote start:  Lock, unlock doors and turn on and off evo one alarm and open power lift gate.  However if the evo one alarm is on, when either the factory key fob or the fortin remote opens the power lift gate the alarm is turned off and will not re-enable itself  after the power lift gate is closed. You must reset the evo one alarm by pushing the lock button on either one.  The factory oem alarm will automatically re-enable itself after power lift gate is closed.

2)  After remote start: with either remote with alarm enabled before remote start this is what I have found:

a)  factory key fob will not stop remote start by pressing lock button 3 times, the fortin remote do so perfectly and does not disable the evo alarm.

b)  Factory key fob will not open power lift gate however by pressing it, it will disable the evo one alarm.  The fortin remote will both disable the evo one alarm and open and close the power lift gate but to turn the evo one alarm back on you must press the lock button on either remote.  

This is what I have found thus far, but I do like having some kind of alarm and immoblelizer (starter kill) if alarm is triggered either running or not!

If I can be or any assistance to anyone to improve or test future firmware and additional options I would consider a privilege considering the time and patience that has been given me.

As always if there are some options that I have missed I would appreciate any additional advice.

Thanks all,


