Questions & Answers

doors unlock with start and radio stays on after starter shut down

0 votes
I have an EVO-All installed in a 2016 Ford Focus standard key as stand alone unit using FORT4 Harness. the car will start with lock - unlock - lock but the doors unlock when starter engages and remains unlocked unless i manually lock it. when the unit times out or i stop it with the command the radio stays on.

unit is 001A07414606

green/ purple is cut. green-white going to 0volt side and green-red going to 12volt side

white black tapped into grey-yellow

white tapped into purple-grey.

Any help would be appreciated

Edit: I turned on lock after start  in the settings and it relocks now. when shutting down it will unlock then lock twice and radio still remains on
asked Jan 16 in Ford by james larocque (280 points)
edited Jan 16 by james larocque

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
I found a second Green/Purple in the bundle at the drivers kick. moved the rap wiires to it and the radio turns off and the doors do not unlock on start. the first green/purple used appears to be for power locks.

However now when the starter is shutdown the car unlocks, locks and turns off radio then unlocks and locks again. is this normal or is there a setting i have to change to stop this from happening and have it just kill the radio and not cycle the locks twice? it does have lock after start enabled
answered Jan 17 by james larocque (280 points)
selected Jan 17 by derek g
Glad to hear you got the DDP sorted, Thanks Ford and using green/purple for so many things!


On this vehicle it is normal, to properly arm the vehicle and turn the radio off, we simulate unlock, door open, door close then relock.


Best regards.
0 votes

For the unlocking at start, i would try putting your DDP connection back together and see if the issue is still present, if not we either have the wrong ddp wire or something is up with the connection.

Also turn off D7,turn on A4,5,6

then re test for radio shutdown.

Best regards.
answered Jan 16 by derek g (357,480 points)

Still no change. I noticed in the guide 72871 that the DDP wire is colored different than the text instruction. Is the DDP wire green/purple or Green/yellow?
