Questions & Answers

Omega OL-RF RF Kit not working with EVO-ALL

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I was just wondering if you can help me troubleshoot connecting my Omegalink OL-RF-42-SST to my EVO-ALL. I am using this guide here to help me program it:

I made sure that the Omegalink kit says "Compatible with EVO-ALL" in the big white sticker as previous versions were only compatbile with the EVO-ONE.


I used FLASHLINK to enable H (Supported RF Kits) and H3 (Crimestopper, Omega OL-RF). 


I connected the Omegalink antenna to the blue female connector of my THAR-AUD1 T-Harness. 


Used the programming guide, got the EVO-ALL to the stage where red/blue programming light is on, turned on ACC and got all red/blue/yellow lights on and the unit into programming mode. 

But when I press lock on the OMEGA RF remotes, nothing happens - no lights flash on the EVO-ALL unit. 

I've tried a few times but it's still not going.

I noticed that there is no blue light on the omegalink antenna - it only flashes 6 blue pulses when first plugged into the blue female harness but after that the lights remain off even in programming mode.  


I have also tried toggling on/off B2 Extended unit’s inputs/outputs for RF kit (Datalink Remote starter) in the options list with no success. 

Do you have any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


Is it possible to get a DCRYPTOR reset on my EVO-ALL as I have also tried resetting the device with no luck and now it says: Dcryptor limit for my EVO-ALL has been reached, the serial is: 001A07470256



asked Aug 24, 2023 in Other by RF123 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I connected the Omegalink antenna to the blue female connector of my THAR-AUD1 T-Harness. 

This is an issue. The OMEGA kits have their own adaptor, the blue connector on the Fortin AUD1 harness is only for Fortin RF-KITs. 


I have also tried toggling on/off B2 Extended unit’s inputs/outputs for RF kit (Datalink Remote starter) in the options list with no success. 

Leave this OFF please

answered Aug 24, 2023 by Robert T (304,010 points)

This is their adaptor

Thanks Robert, 

Do you know how I would connect the Omega SST Y-adapter to the EVO-ALL?

Would it be connected to the blue connector or the main 4 pin female black connector from the THAR-AUD1 T-Harness connector (that connects directly into the EVO-ALL unit)?

Is there a source from the THAR-AUD1 harness that I can get a 12V power source to connect the red wire to from the Omegalink H-OL-RF4B adapter?

Their adaptor goes straight into the evo-all. Their antenna cable will also plug right into their adaptor. You will need to feed power to the extra red and black wires. You can splice into the red and black wires of the aud1 harness for that.
Thanks Robert, I was just reviewing the Omegalink adapter harness.

Just a bit confused as to how to connect it - the Black (AE) end I assume plugs into the EVO-ALL, the White (AT) end plugs into the OMEGALINK Antenna.

But what happens to the original fortin data port connector from the THAR-AUD1 T-Harness that originally went into the EVO-ALL? Does that get left unplugged?

But what happens to the original fortin data port connector from the THAR-AUD1 T-Harness that originally went into the EVO-ALL? Does that get left unplugged?

It simply will not be plugged into anything. Without the rf kit, all its their for is power/ground for the unit. 

Thanks Robert!

Will give it a go and see how it goes.

I'm not sure if you noticed but sometimes the pictures aren't loading on here properly - the adapter picture you sent loaded once but every other time it now comes up with the text: "15729905806154527207" style="width: 600px; height: 407px;">" instead o fa picture.
Hi Robert,

I tried the wiring as per your description but it still doesn't work. I de-pinned the ground/power from the Fortin data-port on the T-Harness. Used them to connect the 12V/Ground lines on the Omegalink adapter.

Plugged the antenner into the omegalink adapter and used the Black (AE) Fortin data-port connector on the omegalink adapter to plug into the EVO-ALL unit.

The same results occur, the unit gets into the programming stage but will not recognise when the lock button is pushed on the remote.

Any other ideas on what could be happening?

 I de-pinned the ground/power from the Fortin data-port on the T-Harness. Used them to connect the 12V/Ground lines on the Omegalink adapter.


I may be wrong, but this sounds like you are supplying power/ground to the EVO but not the antenna if you have de-pinned the aud1 harness wires to pin them in their AF connector.

Plugged the antenner into the omegalink adapter and used the Black (AE) Fortin data-port connector on the omegalink adapter to plug into the EVO-ALL unit.

Its the AF connector according to their diagram. 

Yep, so using the Omegalink Harness the connections were:

1. (AE) end plugged directly into the EVO-ALL

2. White (AT) end plugged into the Omegalink Antenna

3. De-pinned the now unused Fortin Datalink 4-pin connector to get the red 12V/black Negative lines to connect to the loose 12V/Negative wires on the Omegalink harness. Both the EVO-ALL turns on as well as the antenna (6 blue blinks).

But still no go when it comes to the programming stage. I've given up on it and ordered a new RF kit.

I spoke to Omega too and they said they've had similar issues in the past and had no troubleshooting ideas at all.

Have no idea why they advertise it as compatible with the EVO-ALL if it's a known issue.
I'm about to install some Omega kits and came across this discussion.  Earlier in this thread it was stated "...the blue connector on the Fortin AUD1 harness is only for Fortin RF-KITs."  The current instructions on page 3 state to use the RF-A2A.  Doesn't that provide the same functionality?

Also curious if RF123 ever got this figured out or if he did just use something different.
Use the adaptor that comes with the omega piece.