Questions & Answers

2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Starts the shuts off immediately

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2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee. EVO -All Inside Firmware 69.06 Hardware inside 7.0
CHR7A wiring harness. Installed according to directions and got the lights on the EVO-All as shown. DCRYPTOR process seemed to be successful.
Vehicle starts then stops within 1-2 seconds.
Are there any settings/options I should be setting?

asked Feb 16, 2022 in Jeep by Bryan Gillespie (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I will try to assist you but first I need to know the S/N number on the back of the module?
answered Feb 16, 2022 by derek g (359,100 points)
001A07 354577
The options and programming appear correct.


Perhaps try rolling the firmware back to 69.04, re program it and re test it.
I will try to do that this evening.  

I am trying to roll back the firmware but I do not see 69.04 as an option in Flashlink Manager.

I see 59.01,   59.02,   and 69.06.  as well as many others but nothing close to 69.04

Is there anouther way to change the firmare?
I was able to roll back the firmware to 69.02 when I selected my vehicle as a 2017 Dodge Journy.  however it still acted the same... Started up briefly then shut down.  When I went to change it back I got a message that I reached my Flash-Lite Limit. Contact Customer Care.

Serial 005202006750

can this be reset?
Yes that can be reset and I have gone ahead and reset it for you.


Please reset the evo in the vehicle following these steps:


Once that is done, re enable the vehicle specific options, re program it, re dcrypt it and test.
To be clear...Should I continue to firmware 69.02 or 69.04.  Neither one of these are available for the 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee.  Only when I switched to the Dodge Journey were they available.

Or should I go back to 69.06 which Flash-Lite says is recommended for my vehicle?

Also, should I chose Stand Alone or Stadard installation?

Yes try it with 69.02, after you flash it just switch back ot a jeep grand cherokee so it goes into the proper section of dcryptor when you resend it.


Please be sure to perform the master reset prior to all of what is mentioned above.
Left firmware 69.02 in the EVO_ALL. Did the reset and reprogramed as described.  Still the same thing, Runs briefly then shuts off.  Tried many different settings with no change.

Did notice that sometimes after it fails, that I get 2 red LED flashes.  But not every time.
Next please turn on option d1.11 and then re test and let me know if that keeps it running.
When I change options do I need to need to load the DCryptor or do I just make my option changes and select save options?
Nope, simply turn the option on, click save and re test in vehicle.
Turned on d1.11 on.  No diference.

Turned on d1.11 on.  No diference.. still ran briefly then shut off.

Got it working.
Ended up turning off A7, A8, A9, and A10.  (Brake , door and trunk monitoring) . Remote started and kept running. Turned back on A7 thru A10 individually with it starting and running successfully each time.  With them all turned back on it is working as desired.  I'm not sure what the difference is but it is working.

Turned on A4 and turned 0ff A6 and A6 so that the rear defrost automatically would come on with remote start.  It is not but the air conditioner would turn on.

I then flashed the Firmware back to 69.06 as it states it fixes a climate control bug.  It still starts up correctly and runs as desired and the Rear defrost turns on also.... Not the AC.

