Questions & Answers

2020 Ford F350 key takeover and trans "bump"

0 votes
Customer just called me and stated that after remote starting his truck if he presses the brake it won't shut the vehicle off. If he puts the key in the ignition and then presses the brake, takes the key out, the truck will shut off. When I did the install using an evo-fort3, pressing the brake did shut the truck off with the key not in the ignition. He also states that when the remote start starts his vehicle it feels like the transmission engages for a split second. It is and automatic. He says it feels like someone steps on the rear bumper.
asked Dec 13, 2020 in Ford by Brandon Cleary2 (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The install you did simply activates the OEM starter in the bcm, so I doubt it is causing the transmission to "bump" when remote started.


Bring the vehicle back in and confirm your client complaints...if anything call us when you have the vehicle 1-877-336-7797
answered Dec 14, 2020 by derek g (357,480 points)