Questions & Answers

DroneMobile X1-MAX on Fortin EVO One

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I have a DroneMobile DR-5400 on my Evo One right now and it works perfectly on 0.50 firmware. I also have the new DroneMobile X1-MAX and I've tried everything but have not been able get it working. I've tried it on the latest Evo firmware and 0.50 and same results. It turns on but commands do not work on the DroneMobile app. Any way to get it working?
posté Mar 27, 2020 dans la catégorie RF-Kits par Kevin Marin (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Latest version of the Drone telematics antenna is not compatible with the Evo-One, even with the specific 0.50 firmware that we made for the older units due to changes in the protocol on their side.

MyCar and SmartStart DSM 550 are the only telematics that are 100% 2 way compatible with the Evo-1 (EvoStart2 is also compatible but only available in Quebec and Eastern Ontario for now)
répondu Mar 27, 2020 par J M (64,270 points)