Questions & Answers

Trunk release connection for OEM Remote - 2011 Honda Civic NAV/Bluetooth

0 votes
Can't find anything on the guide for the connection between three EV-ONE and three trunk release wire. Which wire for the evo-one is used for the trunk release. The guide for the vehicle does indicate trunk open is supported.
posté Mar 8, 2020 dans la catégorie Honda par Abhiraam Kananathalingam (280 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
It's done thru data.
répondu Mar 8, 2020 par Mike M (9,800 points)
Could you go into more detail? I followed the guide for my vehicle. The guide only goes through connecting the unlock, lock, horn and parking light. When I hit the open trunk button on my remote (while the car is turned on via remote start) the parking lights simply blink and the trunk does not open.