Questions & Answers

2017 Tacoma H Key auto with 442 remotes

0 votes
Truck threw a check engine light and trac off light when trying to remote start with evo one and Toy5 harness, just cranked and never started. Unhooked evo one and all is good. Module was flashed with latest firmware and remotes were programmed(442-2way) , all settings look right in flash link updater on the bypass and the remote starter side ........any idea ?
posté Jan 19, 2020 dans la catégorie Toyota par Norman Fennych (460 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
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What is the service number to the unit?

Sounds like the ignition switch probably was not powered properly due to a missing option.
répondu Jan 21, 2020 par derek g (346,560 points)
élue Jan 23, 2020 par derek g
Got it thanks, changed it to 2.4 ...working good now