Questions & Answers

Where is the Cam high and low on 2018 journey

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The diagram give no picture location, just a up close. It shows a red circle on the dash picture but I can't find the wires
posté Dec 31, 2019 dans la catégorie Dodge par Andrew Neier (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Green CAN Junction Block behind parking brake assembly, white pin plug, pin 1
Green CAN Junction Block behind parking brake assembly, white pin plug, pin 2
Brown CAN Junction Block behind parking brake assembly, black pin plug, pin 1
Brown CAN Junction Block behind parking brake assembly, black pin plug, pin 2


White/Green (CAN C) White/Blue (CAN C) Violet/White (CAN IHS) White (CAN IHS)
répondu Jan 1, 2020 par William Berry (150 points)
I found the 3 pin connector and spliced the grey wire from the evo to the white green wire which is supposed to be CAN high and the grey black wire I spliced to the white blue which is supposed to be CAN high. When I program the evo I only get one flashing blue light on step 13 and not the flashing red light. Do you have any idea if I am hooked onto right wires?