Questions & Answers

19' Camry STD Key - door doesn't lock after remote start

0 votes
Door does not lock after remote start. Function has been disabled through flashlink manager.
posté Juin 11, 2019 dans la catégorie Toyota par Justin Chang (690 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Service number to the module?
répondu Juin 11, 2019 par derek g (357,530 points)
Verify your doorlock data connection.
Doorlock data connection has been verified and is in good working order but the doors still will not lock after remote start.
Try turning off D5 (make sure you save the option off) and turning on 6.3 instead.
Still doesn't lock after remote start. I also tried:

Turning on D5 and turning off 6.0

Turning off D5 and turning on only 6.2


All options were saved.


Another thing I am experiencing is, I turned off all the options for open door shutdown when remote started and yet it is still doing it.
Any other ideas on making the doors lock when remote started?
Issue still haven't been resolved. Any help?
I would suggest contacting Fortin tech support by phone for this issue.


Be sure to have access to the vehicle, module and flash link updater when calling. Testing equipment such as a multi meter may also be needed for further diagnose the issue.



8-8 EST.