Questions & Answers

Would the Evo one cause the factory keyless to need reprogramed?

0 votes
Evi\o-One, 2012 Toyota highlander. Need to have the factory key fob reprogramed. Locksmith and dealer say the evo-one caused the car to forget the keyfob. Have you ever heard of ths\is?
fermer avec la note: question answered
posté Mai 14, 2019 dans la catégorie Toyota par David Cunningham (320 points)
fermé Mai 14, 2019 par David Cunningham

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Never. We simply read the signals we do not send anything.


You should ask them to explain how the evo supposedly de programmed the fobs....If they point the finger at something, they need to be able to back it up with facts.
répondu Mai 14, 2019 par derek g (357,980 points)
Thats what i thought. They tried to tell me it happens all the time... However, there are multiple forums that have this car needeing the fobs reprogrammed and i do not think that they have a EVO installed. Thank you very much! btw. This is the first unit ive installed that makes this claim. Ive never had any issues.