Questions & Answers

Regarding 2015 infiniti Q50 Middle East specification i did all installation steps but car didn’t remotely started?

0 votes
All installation steps , program and encrypt done but when i press lock X3 instrument clust hang on on postion a d car did not start and i got massage in dash “fault chasis” something like that
posté Fev 18, 2019 dans la catégorie Infiniti par mohammed almuqbil (190 points)

1 Réponse

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what is the 12 digit service number of the module?
répondu Fev 18, 2019 par Robert T (301,890 points)
thats not a service number.. Fortin modules have 12 digit identifaction number. It will start with either 001a06 or 002b0
Where can i find it?
it's on the module