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+1 vote

Installed EVO-ONE with THAR-ONE-MAZ3 following Guide 68261 on a 2018 CX-5 automatic. All options left default except those specified in the install guide (set C1, set D2, and function 38 mode 2.) Remote start works, however, when I get in the car and drive off, cruise control will not set. I can enable cruise control mode but it will not set. If I start the car normally, however, the cruise control works as expected. So it is only after a remote start that the cruise control will not engage.

fermer avec la note: solution = door open shut down
posté Dec 12, 2018 dans la catégorie Mazda par Radoslaw Patora (740 points)
fermé Aout 30, 2019 par Robert T

1 Réponse

0 votes
If the vehicle is equiped with adaptative cruise control, you must enable option to shut down engine when door is open to fix this issue.
répondu Dec 13, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Any update or "fix" for this?  This is a deal-breaker...
The fix is to do like all other remote starters on these cars, including the oem, and have it shut down on door open.
One option i found in 2020 CX-5 is , turn off cruise control before turning off the engine. When you turn the cruise later on after engine starts it will work fine.

I only noticed this when the cruise is left turned ON
if it is off before you turn the engine off it will work when started via EVO but when you start driving and turn on cruise control you would still get a error displayed error  “Mazda Radar Cruise Control is disabled under 20”, but cruise would work. You can also unlock the car open the door press on break ad then restart the car to elimonate the problem