Questions & Answers

Toyota Tacoma doesn’t start with 3 locks.

0 votes
I installed a evo one in a Toyota Tacoma 2012 standard key, I made the all conections and I programmed the evo one fallowing the instructions, it gets ready de lock and unlock doors automatically are working, but the problem is that I’m trying to start the car with 3 locks and the car doesn’t start, the option 38-2 is active already.  But the car doesn’t start with the 3 locks.
posté Dec 11, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par Nodier Vallejo (1,030 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
This vehicle is not supported for 3x lock start, a seperate rf kit is required.
répondu Dec 12, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Oh ok , and what Rf kit do you recommend for this car ? Thanks.
Crimestopper REVO 1 or REVO 4