Questions & Answers

Yellow LED flashes 5x after vehicle shutdown

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using the fortin evo all as a bypass for a passive keyless entry on my 2014 jeep wrangler manual transmission. The device is set to be a bypass module and not a stand alone remote starter. Ive been able to bypass the clutch and program the device, but once i power down my vehicle the fortin module will flash yellow 5x and then it wont work till i reprogram it again. Initially it thought it was because if the clutch bypass, but that works so any help is appreciated.
posté Dec 5, 2018 dans la catégorie Jeep par Anthony Minaudo (190 points)

1 Réponse

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WHat remote starter are you using ? yellow flashes means the module receive incoherent datalink command normally because the datalink protocol is not set properly.
répondu Dec 5, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
It is a brand from China that does not have datalink. I am using connection method "B" which requires direct connection with the remote start module and doews not have a data link. I understand that my data link has been disabled in the flash link manager