Questions & Answers

the current device can not be flashed anymore

+1 vote
hello agent

i insstalled it dose not work.

i made a few updates but it is not working

and, the current device can not be flashed anymore.

i have a pease and i can not do it anymore.
posté Oct 10, 2018 dans la catégorie Infiniti par sung won lee (260 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes

before attempting to program the unit, be sure that the passive chip inside the smart key is actually programmed to the car. To do this follow these steps:


  1. Remove the battery from ALL remotes
  2. Connect ONLY the RED connector to the EVO
  3. TRy to start the vehicle witht he remote in front of the button


If the vehicle does NOT start , the smart key is not properly programmed to the vehicle.

répondu Oct 10, 2018 par Robert T (304,330 points)
0 votes
i install morthen 40 cars and that first time happin to me.   i send email to fortin support thay say my unit is lockup and its normal because i flash it morthen 3 times and i send to hem the unit number and thay say will reset my unit onlain but nathing happen so i think the best solution that smashed an bay new one. im sooooo tired of this new problem
répondu Oct 28, 2018 par Mahmoud mirza (150 points)