Questions & Answers

Remote start works but not waiting to start for diesel 2011 ram 2500

0 votes
click the lock button 3 times and the truck will start. However it is not delaying the start like you would for a diesel pickup for the grid heater.  I have flashed several firmwares and play with the settings but can't find any way to program in the delay. any suggestions here? I have screenshots but cant upload them to this forum.
posté Sept 27, 2018 dans la catégorie Dodge par chris chamberlain (130 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
I was advised by tech support on my 13 3500 to switch firmware to 0.36 and it worked
répondu Jan 8, 2019 par Joe Sleiman (370 points)
0 votes
You need to turn on option D1.3
répondu Sept 27, 2018 par Mike M (9,800 points)