Questions & Answers

Do you guys have a guide for 2015 f50 evo all without t harness

0 votes
Want to install compustar with evo all on 2015 f150. Want to install without t harness, do you guys have an installation guide without t harness?
posté Aout 15, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par julio pelayo (1,650 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

key start and automatic transmission?? 

two types on installs exist.


1 key programming (gateway OEM install):  

2 key programming (standard remote start install): 


Can also be found on the website. Just click on Product Comparison then select EVO-ALL


Can also be found directly in the flash link.

répondu Aout 15, 2018 par Robert T (301,890 points)
Is the rap connection needed? Relays. say 12volts pin 4. Where is pin 4? Is there anyway to use thar for3 with compustar remote start and have idle mode work?
Idle mode will not work on a FOR3 solution