Questions & Answers

Can the EVO-ONE be programmed to unlock all doors with one click of OEM fob (14' Subaru Forester)?

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On my 2014 Subaru Forester XT Touring with a key ignition (not push-to-start), pressing the unlock button once on the OEM key fob unlocks the driver's door, pressing the unlock button twice unlocks all doors. This OEM feature is known as prioirty unlock. I hate it.

In newer Subaru Forester model years, it's possible to change this behavior through the Subaru multi-function-display (MFD). However, that's not possible in the 2014.

Can the EVO-ONE be used to change this OEM behaviro with the OEM key fob? In other words, I want to press the OEM key fob ONCE and open ALL doors. Is that possible with the EVO-ONE?
posté Juil 20, 2018 dans la catégorie Subaru par Brian Phillips2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

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No the EVOONE can not change the behavior of the OEM remote.
répondu Juil 20, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)