Questions & Answers

1991 Buick Park Avenue - What is correct number of flashes after programming SL2?

0 votes
Have installed Compustar CM800,SL2 & have programmed the SL2 and all is working. The SL2 bypassed the security and remembers the setting, the car starts on the remote as it should.

However the number of flashes after programming is FIVE and the installation instructions say the number of flashes after correct programming should be THREE.

Would appreciate knowing what the FIVE flashes means.

posté Juin 17, 2018 dans la catégorie Buick par Gerald Howse (470 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
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Five is the same mode as 3 but was added later after the guide was published.
répondu Juin 18, 2018 par derek g (337,260 points)
élue Juin 18, 2018 par derek g
Thanks very much