Questions & Answers

Evo One with T harness for 2015 honda fit manual transmission install?

0 votes
What is the proper order for installing the Evo one with T Harness?
posté Mai 15, 2018 dans la catégorie Honda par Alberto Lizares (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Is the vehicle pts or key start?
répondu Mai 15, 2018 par derek g (359,100 points)
Its a key start sir.
Thanks! By checking my service number can you possibly check if all my options for remote starter and bypass correct?
It is not set up correctly.

Set the bypass as follows:

-A1 through A11 ON

-C1 ON

-D2 ON IF equipped with OEM alarm.

Set the remote starter option 38.2.

Got it. Turned ON A1 - A11 for Bypass and enabled 38.2 for Remote Starter. 2015 Honda Fit OEM Remote Key

Another question, When you say OEM alarm, with the picture provided is this the one? 

Thank you!

I mean if your vehicle has a factory alarm. They key will not tell me if it does. You need to test the vehicle.