Questions & Answers

Evo All ouput to power external bypass

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Did an install on a 2013 ford Edge with turn key.  Had 2 techs on it for 3 hours and the immobilizer bypass will not program.  I can release on blue and can bus programs fine.  It will remote start if I hold the key near the ignition.  I want to add an external bypass by making another key.  What output on the evo all will allow me to do this?  If I hook directly to ground and set positive to bypass to accessory, I believe that it will be too late to power the bypass?    Can i program in the evo all manually using a scan tool?  I have immobilizer software.
posté Dec 28, 2017 dans la catégorie Ford par Daniel Waslenko (2,650 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The parking light output of the EVOALL should do the trick to trigger a keybox.

Your vehicle BCM must be locked from factory which is something happening sometimes in those years vehicle.... A quick trip to the dealer could fix this.
répondu Dec 29, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)