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2013 Mustang Auto - AC stops turning on sometimes?

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My AC does not turn on all the time. It will turn on once the key is in the ignition. Sometimes it turns on when remote started. I do make sure to leave the AC on before turning the vehicle off. Any ideas? Worked well in the past. Maybe the latest updates?
posté Oct 11, 2017 dans la catégorie Ford par Christopher VanHoose (180 points)
modifié Oct 11, 2017 par Christopher VanHoose

1 Réponse

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You mention it worked in the past, have you done any change to the installation ?

Is the vehicle blowing hot air or no air at all ?
répondu Oct 11, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
élue Oct 12, 2017 par Christopher VanHoose
Only change has been updates to the evo over the past 3 years. Blows no air at all untill key is in.
EVOALL or EVOONE ? With or without t-harness ?
EVOALL with t harness.
Definitly sounds like the accessory is not being powered by the t-harness. The same wire powers both ignition and accessory so one can not work and not the other. Inspect the t-harness make sure no pins are crooked or damaged.

Meter the purple/green at the ignition harness and see if it has 12v when remote started.
confirmed 12v. after inspection of the harness, the ac is turning on with remote start. I must have a faulty connection.

I appreciate your help. Thank you.