Questions & Answers

RF Kit FTX64-2W won't pair with EVO One

+1 vote
I installed the evo one on a 2015 subaru legacy PTS and everything works as directed, including the oem remote 3x start.  I'm trying to program the 2way RF kit and it won't even pair.  Are there specific settings in the flashlink program to enable this kit to work?
fermer avec la note: I eventually got the remotes to program.  I
posté Jan 2, 2017 dans la catégorie RF-Kits par KEVIN LICHT (140 points)
fermé Jan 6, 2017 par KEVIN LICHT

1 Réponse

0 votes
Where did you plug in the rf kit on the evo-one?

Does the module enter programming using the valet switch?

Can you enter valet mode using the valet switch?
répondu Jan 4, 2017 par derek g (359,100 points)