Questions & Answers

How to hook EVO-All to Crimestopper FS-42 with data

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Installing EVO-ALL with THAR-NIS1 on a 2008 PTS Nissan Altima.  I had a Crimestopper FS-42 sitting in the shop for a while so I figure I would use that as the remote start portion.  The FS-42 has two data ports, one ADS, and one FORTIN.  The data plugs on the harness only seem to have one Fortin connection.  How do I hook that up, or do I need to change the plug?
posté Nov 30, 2016 dans la catégorie Nissan par Daniel Waslenko (2,650 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Coming from the t-harness, along with the 4-pin that plugs into the evo-all, their should also be a small black 4-pin with a clip (there's also a white 4-pin but it's used for directed starters).

répondu Dec 1, 2016 par Robert T (305,380 points)
there is, but it didn't fit.  I ended up cutting the tap off that secures it into place and it fit in.