Questions & Answers

How to jump a car with a remote start installed?

+2 votes
Is it advised to disconnect some harnesses from the EVO unit in case your car needs to be jumped/boosted to avoid damage?  Maybe the 6 pin for the EVO-ONE?  Bypass connector for the EVO-ALL?


Also, would it matter if you were the booster or boostee?


posté Mar 30, 2016 dans la catégorie FAQ par Joshua Swenson (1,660 points)

1 Réponse

+3 votes
Meilleure réponse
Shouldnt matter as long as its done correctly. power to power ground to ground. "Shouldn't" being the key word, im sure there is always a one of case were it may do something weird.

I have a remote start in my car and boosted my friends car that also has a remote start and it didn't cause any problems.
répondu Mar 30, 2016 par derek g (359,350 points)
élue Mar 31, 2016 par Joshua Swenson
Thanks as always Derek