Questions & Answers

FTX64-2W Rremote batteries failing after a few weeks

+2 votes


I have a 2011 Toyota Coralla (G-key) with a FORTIN EVO-ALL (Dealer Install).  Stating with the origanl batteries, these remotes seem to drain their batteries within a few weeks.  I have been trough 6 pairs of batteries with both remotes.

I was  told me that these types of remotes have had problems and FORTIN reccomends swapping them for "R9" or "R10" remotes.

The dealer claims no knowlede have this?

Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you.
posté Jan 30, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par BRUNO SPEZIALE (150 points)
modifié Jan 31, 2016 par BRUNO SPEZIALE

1 Réponse

0 votes
Could be defective remotes, what does the sticker says on the back of your remote ?
répondu Fev 1, 2016 par BRUNO SPEZIALE (85,210 points)
They say:



IC: 12084A-R2W01FM

Does both remotes dies within a few weeks after replacing batteries ? It's pretty rare but if it is the case you might have defective remote.

Depending on usage, FTX64 should last at least 6 months without running out of battery.
In the actual casing there will be a sticker with a date stamp. What does it say?

That stamp is when the batteries were initially put into the remotes and it's possible that you may just have remotes that were manufactured pre december 2014. which would mean they are not the latest R9.

R9 is the last version and we had put a white sticker on the back of the remotes with R9 written on it.

On the earlier version we can confirm after a certain sequence of button presses that it would cause a drain on the remote battery.
On February 1, the vehicle was brought back to the dealer where the starter was installed.  They replaced the remotes, with 2 remotes 1R9.  Today one of the new remotes went dead.  I opened it up and the white sticker has 141028 on it.  One battery had 1.3 V on it and the other had 1.7.  The batteries are Panasonic CR2025.
The date, 141028, is to indicate when the first batteries were put in. So in this case, Oct. 28, 2014. Batteries are probably simply due for a change. You'll notice the original batteries will also have a plastic cover around them. It should ideally be put back aswell when changing the batteries.
Ok will do.  I will post on what happens.