Questions & Answers

Adding Drone DR3400 to EVO-ONE

+1 vote
When adding a DroneMobile DR3400 to the Evo-one, are there any settings that need changed other than re-pinning the plug for the Drone? Will my current AX RF2 remotes continue to function the same?
posté Jan 15, 2016 dans la catégorie Nissan par Stephen Dockeney (320 points)
modifié Jan 15, 2016 par Stephen Dockeney

1 Réponse

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flash 0.50 remote start side and simply plug it in!!!!! thats it!
répondu Jan 15, 2016 par derek g (357,980 points)
élue Jan 15, 2016 par Stephen Dockeney
I assume I would use the splitter power cable (data cable) that came with my AX RF2 remotes to plug on the new data cable so I can keep the function of my current remotes?
No this will not work.

Its either the drone or the RF kit.

You cannot use both at the same time on the evo-one, as it will casue a conflict in the commands.
Can you explain what flash 0.50 remote start side means?  I know it's probably really obvious but I'm not following.
it's the firmware for the remote starter side of an evo-one