Questions & Answers

Is it possible unit could get stuck in a mode that could cause a dead battery overnight?

+1 vote
Woke up to dead battery this morning. Checking possible reasons and asking since it's the only new thing in the vehicle. Wife's car and pretty sure that vehicle kills power to everything after ignition off. Just asking...

2015 Jeep Wrangler. Evo All with T-harness. Installed 3 weeks ago and has worked great since. Wife uses it every morning. First sign of a problem and investigating possibilities.
posté Jan 14, 2016 dans la catégorie Jeep par Mike Kolanowski (140 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
No the remote start has nothing to do with it as long as it was installed correctly and is shutting down on take over...but i get what youre saying most people point the finger at remote start at first sign of a problem....try doing a parasitic draw test or going and getting your battery tested at a shop....
répondu Jan 14, 2016 par derek g (357,980 points)
0 votes
If this was a 1 time thing, maybe it was one of those times we tend to do things like leave the dome lights on, or the parking lights. As long as the red led is off on the evo while the car is just sitting there, it shouldnt be a remote start problem. This is assuming there are no issues with the install itself, such as the parking light connection.

If the problem is persitent, problem could be elsewhere.
répondu Jan 15, 2016 par Robert T (304,010 points)