Questions & Answers

Programming procedure 1- get solid yellow for 10 seconds then all 3 start flashing

+1 vote

I can't get past step 1. I let go of button on evo-all once I have the yellow led. About 10 seconds later all three led's flash simultaneously

Tried resetting the unit several times and still doen't work.

Cannot move on from this step. 

Thank you for your assistance.

posté Dec 14, 2015 dans la catégorie Ram par John Montgomery (160 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
3 leds flashing means unit lost power.

Check that the slot for the datalink connector on the evo is actually flush with the casing. When disconnecting from the flash-link updater, the slot may slide out a little. You can press it back in gently.
répondu Dec 15, 2015 par Robert T (305,380 points)
This was the problem.

Thank you so much!
excellent, thanks for the update
0 votes
When the yellow light is on you release the programming, and then the guide ask you to press and release the programming 4 times. Do you get to this step ?
répondu Dec 14, 2015 par John Montgomery (85,210 points)
The procedure #3 says to plug in all required wiring into EVO-ALL and then procedure #4 says to press and hold the button 4 times.

Are you saying I should do procedure #4 before #3?
I do get to that step