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mazda 3 2013 push to start evo-one

+1 vote
installed a evo-one in a 2013 mazda 3 with a push to start, Rene Bourassa told me to install it like the evo-all so i did. after the installation vehicule didnt start, managed to make it start but the remote keyless entry light comes on has well as about 4-6 dtc codes. the customer had a system previously installed from an other company with same trouble. system doesnt seem to be able to bypass RKE system
posté Oct 21, 2015 dans la catégorie Mazda par Jerry martin (780 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Question, were you re-using the same wiring the previous system was connected to? The module may still program correctly if the Tx or Rx connection is no good (i forget which).
répondu Oct 21, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)
no the old wiring was removed by the other company but has i could see it was connected correctly.
problem not present when remote start not plug in
Have a feeling it's that start/stop connection. I know on the EVO-ALL we say to use the Pink/Black wire but I am pretty sure that for the EVO-ONE and with the latest firmwares, it should actually be the White/Black wire.
I sent out a request to get the proper install guide for the EVO-ONE uploaded to the website.
system drains the battery when giving me codes will remove system!!!
This vehicle is being looked at right now by engineering. One thing for sure is that the Pink/Black wire does NOT go to the Start/Stop button. On the EVO-ONE, the Pink/Black wire is an input, not an output.
keep me updated about it if you found out how to do it so i can do it for my customer

Ok, the start-stop connection will definitly be on the White/Black wire of the EVO-ONE and not the Pink/Black. We will be finalizing the new firmware tomorrow and adding some improvements.

A firmware reflash will be necessary.
Firmware 0.47 and using the White/Black for the start-stop connection will get this up and running. The installation guide is being owrked on today and should be available by either the end of the day of tomorrow so it's up to you if you wish to wait on the EVO-ONE.


I would suggest a master reset to the EVO-ONE after flashing to the 0.47 firmware.
any plan on putting the installation quide online
trying a E400 with i-datalink on an manual of same year still same trouble arise when trying to start gives me a 6 flash code (crank time over 8 sec)but car doesnt crank at all then all lights stay on in car

tryied with auxiliary key in ignition still doesnt crank

manage to make it start but only start on the second try ACC doesnt come on first try then comes on on the second and it start