Questions & Answers

Unlock/Lock hardwired to EVO-ALL in 2014 Ford Focus?

+1 vote
I am installating a keyless entry and push-start system along with EVO-ALL.The EVO-ALL instllation guide for 2014 Ford Focus indicates a hardwiring of Unlock/Lock signal wire from the unlock/lock button to A19 pin. Is this required or the unlock/lock is handled via CAN?

The setup might look like this;

Keyless Sys             EVO-ALL                                          Vehicle

Lock (-)   ------->   A2 Lock (-)   ----->  via CAN or Unlock/Lock hardwired to EVO-ALL A19

Unlock (-)   ---->   A3 Unlock (-) --->  via CAN or Unlock/Lock hardwired to EVO-ALL A19


Thank you!
posté Juil 13, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Dinesh Koya (780 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
You will need to wire Pin A19 for functional door locks. Wish it could be controlled via Can, but unfortunately it cannot.
répondu Juil 13, 2015 par Robert T (299,950 points)
élue Juil 15, 2015 par Dinesh Koya
that makes sense, thanks!