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Jeep Wrangler going all crazy when trying to remote start, please help!

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OK I have a remote start system that has just started causing all sorts of problems (at least I am assuming).  I have the Fortin Evo All with the Chrysler harness in my 2014 Wrangler.  It is tied into an Avital alarm.  This has been installed since August 2014.  Over the last 2 months or so, on occasion teh vehicle will not remote start, either by the remote of by the Viper Smartstart cell module I have installed.  I noticed after the non start event happened, the alarm would also not lock the doors and turn on the factory alarm system, I would have to set the factory alarm after setting the Avital alarm.  The remote start has not been working now for the last 6 days, so today I decided to sit in the car and see what happens when I try to remote start.  See this Youtube video.      The last few days every time I have played around with the remote start, I have then been getting a check engine light with a slew of codes.  See attached pic for the latest list.   I am able to clear the codes and they do not come back, unless I try and remote start.  Hoping maybe you have an idea.  Thanks!   Ray


posté Mar 14, 2015 dans la catégorie Jeep par Ray Johanson (220 points)

1 Réponse

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I should add I have an appt with the alarm installer next Friday, but want to bring it to him with as much info as I can.
répondu Mar 14, 2015 par Ray Johanson (220 points)
when problems are actually remote start related, they tend to happen the same day/week. Obviously, see the installer before anything else though. Could even be recall related, who knows... example..
Let me know your thoughts on this.  I had installed LED headlights and foglights months after installing the alarm/remote start system.  Now I dont remember exactly if the issue started before or after the LEDs, but I just removed them a week and a half ago, and for the first few days after I took them out I still had the issue, but for the last 3-4 days all has been fine.  Any possibility those lights could have caused issues?  They were installed with anti flicker harnesses as well.

U110C - No Fuel Level Bus Message

U1120 - Can C-Bus open or shorted, related to ABS module communicating with the PCM.

U110A - Can C-Bus open or shorted, related to steering control module communicating with the PCM.

U110E - Can C-Bus, Ambient temperature sensor

U002 - Can C-Bus off performance


Ok, all those codes have one thing in common, the C-Can. Somewhere, that Can line was failing you. So.. either it had to do with the led harness, or the evo t-harness was losing contact. If your problem comes back, remove the t-harness for the evo and try your car out a week or two.


Ok thanks.  I still have an appointment with the installer on Friday.  I told him the issue was sporadic, and he mentioned he would try and reflash something, not sure if it was the Fortin or one of the other parts to the alarm system.  I will fill him in with all the information.
Update.  All had been fine for quite a while, until 2 weeks ago when the same issues previously listed returned.  I spoke to my installer, and he said to just unplug the Evo All, then follow the programming instructions per the directions.  I did that, and have not had an issue now for a few days.  He said he also sees this problem quite often, and that he has spoken to you guys regarding it.  Is it possible I have a faulty unit?  Does it need a firmware upgrade?
I'll be honest with you concerning the Jeep Wrangler, there are no issues, and if their was, engineering would be all over it considering one of them owns this vehicle. This is regarding EVO-ALL hardware and firmware.

It's possible that the T-harness is giving you the problems though, or a pin not making contact all the time. I can see this happening. The only way too know though would be continuity tests on the T-harness, or to straight up just replace the harness.

Also, If datalink is being used between the Avital system and the EVO-ALL, both units have to be set accordingly with the right protocol. In this case, it would be the ExpressKit / D2D protocol.

One more thing, if it's actually an EVO-CHR that was used and not an EVO-ALL, you will get errors popping out. The EVO-CHR was discontinued in 2012 because the hardware could not support new generation SKIM modules on Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep. (EVO-CHR should never be used on vheicle 2011-2012 and above).

One thing for sure is, there's a communication loss somewhere which could be caused by the physical wiring. My girlfriend would say i am wrong, but there really does seem to be something up in the wiring (this includes T-harness and / or any other aftermarket equipment that has been installed).

The items that I used to install before the alarm was added on was the EVO-ALL module and THAR-CHR5 t-harness.  That sound correct?  I got that on Amazon and had the moduel programmed for the '14 Wrangler.  I will check with my installer to see if datalink was used with the alarm.  I'll pull the T-harness back out and check it and inspect everything and see what that turns up.

EVO-ALL with the THAR-CHR5 would be the right stuff.


If the problem seems to come back every few days / weeks, you can check if the T-harness is giving you problems by just disconnecting everything (all connectors from the EVO-ALL and the Avital). Just leave the T-harness connected to the vehicles transponder harness and transponder plug/module. Drive the Jeep around a few days to see if problem persists.


We'd need to know a few things to maybe help isolate where the issue is coming from.

  • The 12 digit service number of the EVO-ALL
  • The model number of the Avital (most avital alarm only systems do not have datalink)
  • The model number of the SmartStart
  • You have mentionned that the alarm was added at a later time. Were you getting all those error codes before the Avital was added?
I'm actually going to just drive the Jeep and not touch anything until the issue returns.  It may be days, weeks, or months, we will see.  The Evo All was added by myseld initially, and it was only a few months later that the alarm as added to that.  Never had an issue with just the Evo All, but also didnt have any issue until a good 6 or 7 months after the alarm was installed.  When the issue does happen, even if I do not use the remote start (which is when all the codes and MIL show up), the Avital alarm will not lock the doors, it just arms the Avital, and I have to use the factory key/fob to lock the doors.   Not sure if that info helps at all.  I am pretty sure the model of the alarm is the 5103, but I'd have to check the manual when I get a chance to be 100% sure.

When the issue does happen, even if I do not use the remote start (which is when all the codes and MIL show up), the Avital alarm will not lock the doors, it just arms the Avital, and I have to use the factory key/fob to lock the doors.   Not sure if that info helps at all.

This is actually helpful. Either the Avital was not communicating with the EVO-ALL or the EVO-ALL was not communicating to the car. Add that to all those codes in that picture you had posted and my finger is starting to point at the T-harness. Wish i had a direct answer for you but that's all I have at the moment.

Sorry had not mentioned that sooner, just thought of it while trying to go through every motion in my head lol!    If the T harness is disconnected, you have to do all the programming steps again correct?  Wondering if I should just pick up another harness, and if it happens again just swap it.
The EVO-ALL will stay programmed a verrrrrry long time after being disconnected, so you shouldn't need to reprogram it. You can, but you don't really need to.

I never asked you this, but the Jeep is automatic transmission right?
Yes auto trans, 2014 Wrangler Sport Unlimited.
Ok, thank you