Questions & Answers

Remote starter kit for 2007 altima

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Hi. I want to install remote start on my 2007 nissan altima. The recommended kit is the evo-nist1. It also appears that some altima owners use the evo-all. But the chart for my vehicle on your website only checks off remote start as an option under the evo-one kit. This leaves me a bit confused. What options do i have for a remote start system and of those do i need anything else such as a rf kit?

posté Fev 19, 2015 dans la catégorie Nissan par jeffrey waldrop (290 points)
re-tagguée Fev 19, 2015 par jeffrey waldrop

1 Réponse

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I believe this should clarify using the evo-nist1

répondu Fev 19, 2015 par Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
élue Fev 19, 2015 par Robert T2
I didnt see anything on the evo-nist1 in that link. i did read that the 2007 and 08 have issues with the remote and probably need rf kits anyway. But im still unsure of which kit would be best of the 3. Im new to the remote start side of things and am unfamiliar with the technical jargon so i apoligize if im slow at understanding.
Basically, it says that the EVO-NIST1 in stand alone remote starter mode with an RF-KIT will work just fine. I'd recommend visiting a local remote starter retailer / installer to see available solutions and have a remote start installed by a professional.