Questions & Answers

Filmware Updating not working

0 votes
Every time I try to update the Filmware as recommended in the instructions it tries to connect to website but after approx 10 secs it says :Request Aborted". Instructions say download latest version. The only thing I can download is the Feb 2012 version. I have downloaded the Flashlink Manager a dozen times but have never been able to open it up. Can you plaese tell me what I am doing wrong

I find the instructions for installation of this product to be vey minimal for my car. I have looked at other models and found much more detailed instructions. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
posté Jan 25, 2015 dans la catégorie Cadillac par Richard George (130 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
What kind of extra details are you looking for ? Are you using a t-harness for installation ? You want to start with 3x lock or you use a seperate remote starter ?

When connecting your flash link updater in the bottom left corner do you see device found ?

At this moment your module is flashed to 74.17 and this is NOT the right version for your vehicle
répondu Jan 26, 2015 par Richard George (85,210 points)

Bonjour Matheau,

 I am not using a T-Har. I have asked several suppliers if they have a T-Har available for my vehicle and they have never responded I have not been able to locate one on the Fortin site either. It is possible that one of the GM harnesses will work on my car but it is not listed. I want ot use the original key fob to start the car. My leg hits the key already and another fob would be even worse. That's why I will be switching to a keyless ignition as soon as I get this starter to work.I know I need to reflash the Module to 70.16 for it to work on my car.

The small pamphlets that came with the Flash Link Updater and the Evo-All Module both say to update to the latest Filmware PRIOR to installation. In order to do this I have to download the software. That's where the problem starts. No matter how many times I download the Flash Link Updater or the Flash Link Manager, I cannot get either one of them to open or connect to the Fortin website.

Until I get past this step there is no need to talk about the lack of instructions in the installation guide listed under STAND ALONE EVO-ALL & GM PK3 - Revision 20141031


Ok wait a minute, what's the vehicle you are working on ? Your module is selected to be in a 2010 FX35...

You definitly need to update your module before installing. 

When connecting your flash link updater in the bottom left corner do you see device found ?

I am attempting to install this dervice in a 2010 Cadillac CTS4 Performance Sedan. Filmware required 70.16.

When I attempt to update the filmware it says "Device Found", "Uniy Connected" and "USB OK" on the bottom. BUT; it will not connect to the Fortin website and keeps saying "request aborted" Also says Filmware Selected:  N/A
Sounds like a firewall is blocking connection. If you have Norton or any type of firewall, there is an option to disable it for a few minutes.
Disabling the Firewall did not work either. I tried that yesterday, but, I rebooted the computor and the next time I tried to download the Flashlink Manager it worked. I have managed to reset the Module to the correct filmware and will now attempt to install it in the car. Thanks.
0 votes
Launch Flash Link Manager software

Click on Help and then about...

Tell me the Flash-Link-Manager version.
répondu Jan 28, 2015 par Charles Beauchamp (9,020 points)