Questions & Answers

Can't get parking lights to work

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I have a 2012 Ford escape using a EVO All with Tharness 3button remote start is working but cannot get the parking lights to work.  I have tapped the wire and put power to it and all of the parking light come on just can't get the evo all to light them.


Do i need to program the evo all?
posté Jan 24, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par William Fargo (250 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Need to connect positive parking light output from your remote starter to the vehicle parking light wire.

What remote start brand are you using ?
répondu Jan 24, 2015 par William Fargo (85,210 points)
i am using the evo all standalone.  I don't have a seperate remote start.  The evo all works fine except for the parking lights.
Any update on how i get the parking lights to work.  I am using the EVO All standalone everything works fine except for parking lights.  I have found the wire located in the running board by drivers seat and was able to activate the lights by running a hot wire to them.  It appears that the parking light wire coming out of the EVO is not working i connected it to a relay but it would not work.

Would programming the EVO all for a 2013 Ford Escape work even though i have a 2012?
It won;t matter if it's a 2013. The EVO when in stand alone remote starter mode, uses the brown/white wire as a (-) output for parking lights.

If you ground that brown/white wire from the EVO, you should see parking lights turn on if the relay is properly wired up.
The relay is connected properly is it possible the EVO is defective?
The EVO hardware is pretty much 100% reliable. There were a few mis-connections done earlier that may have caused the output to just die out.


If the unit was not in stand alone (option D1 off), the brown/white wire gets switched back to being a handbrake status output. I'd be curious to know if you were to disable option D1 and tried setting the handbrake while ignition is on, if the parking lights would turn on.
D1 is on.  I also noted that A8 is on which is the hand brake.

For testing... turn D1 off.

Plug the unit back into the car, Turn ignition On with the key, and lift the handbrake. You should see your parking lights turn on.

ran the test no lights
If this wire was connected directly to the car at first, and the parking lights went on while the vehicle was running, you blew the output from the module.
what is the solution if any?
Is the soltuion buy a new module?  Can you buy just the module?  What is the process?


The EVO-ALL can be bought separately.

Where did you connect the main power for the relay that powers the parking lights? I don't want you ordering a unit to re-install it and end up with a blown output again.
The relay was connected to a 12v positive always on connection.
The relay was connected as follows pins 86 and 87 were connected to the positive battery cable with pin 85 being the brown and white from the EVO and pin 30 went to the parking lights.

Are EVO Alls the same and programmed for the vehicle with the flash link?
I am having the same issue with a 2007 Jeep Wrangler.